After five years of collaborative research on heat adaptation in urban neighborhoods, the final event of the HeatResilientCity research project will take place on Sept. 22, 2022, from 2:00 p.m. - 5:20 p.m. In two dialogue sessions, which will take place in the framework of the annual conference at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden, knowledge and examples for the implementation of heat adaptation in the city will be conveyed. The event is primarily aimed at practitioners from administrations and planning offices.
In the first part, practical research results on heat adaptation of buildings and open spaces as well as aspects of health care will be explained. In the second part, a moderated discussion with representatives of the Dresden and Erfurt city administrations will focus on findings, progress and challenges in adapting to heat in municipal administrative practice. Afterwards, question and discussion sessions in small groups will allow for an intensive exchange on the topics of the event. Participation in the two dialogue sessions is free of charge.
The project team is looking forward to your participation!
Further information about the program of the fineal event
The planning lab "Spatial Images Lusatia 2050" focuses on the spatial development of Lusatia. Existing spatial strategies are analyzed and visionary concepts are developed, which develop space holistically and show approaches for a sustainable transformation.
The spatial images offer decision-makers in structural change and the many people involved in Lusatia four different scenarios for sustainable spatial-integrative development: While some rely on the strength of creative actors and spatial pioneers or on landscape potentials, others build on the power of impulses from a knowledge campus or conversion potentials in agriculture and forestry. At the same time, the spatial images and concepts offer tools and strategies that help to deal with uncertainties and prepare for the day after tomorrow.
We invite you to the treasure chamber of Zündstoffe- Materialvermittlung Dresden at Rosenwerk.
On the one hand, we will explore the material depot and dive into the history and stories of the diverse materials, on the other hand, we will create individual pieces of jewelry with unusual value with our guest artist Annette Nickel according to our motto: "The material makes the idea!"
Speakers: Claudia Blickling and Iris Meusemann from Zündstoffe
Guest artist: Annette Nickel
+++Cancelled +++
Legends of the Maya say that the cacao tree, its plants and seeds come to humans when we treat Mother Earth carelessly to re-establish the lost harmony and to open our hearts again. In this workshop, we will create a cacao ceremony together. Through the subtle and soft impact of raw cacao accompanied with movement, breathwork, sound and guided meditation, we will explore and deepen our bonds with our external and inner nature.
Please consider for the cacao ceremony:
Speakers: Katharina Artmann (Movement Workshops, Hoop Dance, pyro art) and Martina Artmann (IOER, head of research group on urban human-nature resonance)
The workshop offers an excursion to the flowering community garden at SLUB TextLab. Together with Stadtgärten e.V. and the coordinators of the transformation experiment "edible public urban green", participants will get to know some old and rare varieties on site and immediately propagate them for use at home. In addition to lemon and mint flavors, the workshop offers insights into the development of the “Zukunftsstadt” (future city) Dresden. Basics of plant science and inspiration for structuring transsectoral partnerships in terms of social innovations will be conveyed. As a special highlight, Stadtgärten e.V. offers participants free access to its extensive seed assortment and thus makes a fruitful contribution to the preservation of old and rare varieties.
Speaker: Paul Stadelhofer, Volker Croy (Stadtgärten e.V.)
+++Cancelled +++
Fermentation is becoming more and more popular, for preserving, because it becomes delicious and offers a great way to refine your own harvest. In this workshop we will explore how exactly it works, what the principles of fermentation are and what actually happens microbiologically.
In keeping with the season, we will focus on the ingredients available at the moment: We will try our hand at different herb variations and venture into Korean Kim-Chi.
Speaker: Sebastian Kaiser (UFER-Projekte Dresden e.V.)